The Ohio River Biology Field Station is a 25-acre teaching and research facility owned and operated by Thomas More University. The Station was the previous site of the U.S. Government Lock and Dam 35, built in 1919, and one of 51 wicket dams along the Ohio River. Since acquiring the property in 1967, faculty and students at the University have been conducting ecological research projects, teaching field courses, and leading outreach programs for K-12 schools. Facilities include three research labs, four classrooms, a STEM outreach center, conference center and residential structures for students, faculty, and staff.
- Year Founded
- Year Joined OBFS
- 1990/01/01
- Size of Field Station (hectares)
- 1-100
- Private nonprofit organization?
- Yes
- Universities affiliated / Parent Organization
- Thomas More University
- Federal, state, or local governmental partners?
Other: USEPA and USFWS
- Member of the Virtual Field
- Yes