
Sharing stories around the fire, Central Michigan University Biological Field Station at Beaver Island, OBFS meeting 2022. Photo courtesy of Nancy Lowe.
OBFS provides a listserv for communication via email to over 750 registered users interested or involved in the field station and marine laboratory (FSML) community; you do not need to be an OBFS member to subscribe to the listserv.
The OBFS listserv is intended for collegial discussion around field station topics. Appropriate listserv topics include job announcements, questions about best practices, strategic plans, liability waivers, or other universal FSML needs, REU or internship opportunities, workshops, funding opportunities, artist in residence opportunities, research collaborations, or other items you feel would be interesting to the greater OBFS community.
To subscribe:
- Send an email to
- Put subscribe in the subject line.
- Leave the message body blank.
- When your request is accepted, you will receive a message confirming your subscription.
To use (once subscribed):
- Address your message to
- Use a sufficiently descriptive Subject.
- Compose a message appropriate for the OBFS Listserv.
- Provide a signature tag – your name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address.
To unsubscribe:
- Send an email to
- Put unsubscribe in the subject line.
- Leave the message body blank.
- When your request is accepted, you will receive a confirmation email.
Rules and Etiquette:
- Listserv use must be consistent with OBFS Codes of Conduct.
- Do not post advertisements, spam, commercial messages, political or religious messages, or hoaxes.
- All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited.
- The listserv administrator reserves the right to remove any subscriber who does not adhere to the listserv rules.
- Do not post anything in a listserv message that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.
- Send messages such as "thanks for the information" or "me, too" to individuals--not to the entire list. Do this by using your e-mail application's forwarding option and typing in or cutting and pasting in the e-mail address of the individual to whom you want to respond.
Q: I am not receiving messages, what is wrong?
A: Some members find that OBFS messages end up in spam or junk folders, so please add as a trusted contact.
Q: Should I post to the website or the listserv?
A: It depends, and you can do both. The OBFS website features a discussion board that will allow for back-and-forth chats and archives those discussions. There are other website sections for Events and Jobs. You may post to these through your FSML dashboard. Also consider sending newsletter articles to our editorial team at
Q: Are there other ways to stay informed about OBFS?
A: Follow OBFS on Instagram and Facebook for other timely information.
Q: Who can I contact with questions?
A: If you have trouble not receiving messages or signing up, please contact the listserv admins, Shane Waddell at or Sarah Oktay at