Located in the lower Sacramento Valley, Jepson Prairie is an island of remnant natural prairie in a vast agricultural landscape. The reserve protects several seasonal playa lakes and one of the best remaining networks of clay-pan vernal-pool habitat in the Central Valley. Jepson Prairie also protects remnants of native forb and bunchgrass prairie. The reserve provides wetland habitat for migratory waterfowl and wading birds, and is home to 5 rare and endangered animals. Altogether over 400 species and 64 families of plants, including 15 rare and endangered plants, are found on site. The reserve land is managed in partnership with the Solano Land Trust – which owns the property – the Nature Conservancy, and an active docents group. UC Davis Natural Reserve System manages the research and education.
- Year Founded
- 1983
- Year Joined OBFS
- Size of Field Station (hectares)
- 501-1000
- FSML Web Address
- https://naturalreserves.ucdavis.edu/jepson-prairie
- Private nonprofit organization?
- No
- Universities affiliated / Parent Organization
- University of California Davis
- Federal, state, or local governmental partners?
Other: Land Trust
- Member of the Virtual Field
- No