BFREE was founded in 1995 with a mission “to conserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of Belize.” BFREE leases and manages 1,153 acres of tropical rainforest that lies within one of the largest contiguous tracts of rainforest in the western hemisphere. BFREE is a US-registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and has a sister non-government organization registered in Belize.
The Field Station supports research by providing housing and logistical support for researchers and conservation workers as well as in-kind contributions and sometimes financial support for studies. In-kind support includes staff, materials for temporary structures, and basic field equipment, while financial support has included raising and providing funds for many research projects. Finally, BFREE is a repository of data and information on the natural history and scientific work done in the Maya Mountains. All facilities at the field station were constructed using a low-impact, environmentally friendly and sustainable approach.
- Year Founded
- 1995
- Year Joined OBFS
- 2023
- Size of Field Station (hectares)
- 1-100
- FSML Web Address
- https://www.bfreebz.org/
- Private nonprofit organization?
- Yes
- Universities affiliated / Parent Organization
- No
- Federal, state, or local governmental partners?
- Member of the Virtual Field
- No